The Publications Committee

The Publications team oversees the BC TEAL Journal and TEAL News.

Scott Douglas, Editor of BC TEAL Journal oversees the submission process, peer review and editing stages plus updating the data base as new articles are published. He also oversees a volunteer Editorial Team which includes a BC TEAL Journal Advisory Board, Peer Reviewers, Copy Editors, and a Scholarly Communications Librarian. Scott also conducts professional development workshops including Writing for a Peer Reviewed Journal. The call for submissions can be found on the BC TEAL Journal website. As always, volunteers interested in peer reviewing for the journal are welcome to contact the BC TEAL Journal editor:

Karin Wiebe, BC TEAL Publications Chair and Editor of TEAL News oversees article submissions and editing. Newsletter layout is done by Shawna Williams. The TEAL News is the platform for BC TEAL members and industry affiliates to share their work, ideas, and innovations with a wide readership. The main goal of this publication is to shine a spotlight on work done by and for EAL teachers in British Columbia. TEAL News welcomes article submissions from members and non-members. Newsletter articles are typically 750 to 1000 words in length. Please submit your articles and ideas to the TEAL News editor: